华仔 Huazai

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To support our work, please see our GoFundMe page.
Maria 从原来的家里阳台摔了好几层,把脊椎被摔断了,原来的主人因为承担不了治疗费而放弃了。通过很长时间的治疗,恢复了走路的功能,但是大小便失禁。她需要一个非常有耐心的家庭。 她非常亲人!Maria fell from the balcony of her original home, breaking her spine. Due to the costs of medical expenses, her owner gave her up. After a long period of treatment, she regained the ability to walk, but still has no control over bladder and bowel. She will need a very loving, patient family. She is extremely friendly and just loves to cuddle.
ID: A0269