Update (Feb 9, 2021): Seeking to Work with More Partner Rescues in the US
Below are some of the more than 700 dogs we’ll be finding homes for in the US. To partner with us, please contact Chris at chris@littleadoptionshop.com
Below are some of the more than 700 dogs we’ll be finding homes for in the US. To partner with us, please contact Chris at chris@littleadoptionshop.com
巴特。公狗,三岁,因为不可抗拒的原因,主人无法继续养,想给巴特找个好的家庭。他可能在城里不适合,因为体型大一点,但是如果郊区/别墅区。三岁,身体健康,见人不叫。很激灵,很友善。https://podio.com/webforms/10798461/769223 或 chris@littleadoptionshop.com
Chrissy has already left us for the Rainbow Bridge.
最近多了八个小生命,别人的院子里的狗狗,他们养不了,所以求助了。One of our neighbors had 8 puppies and two adult dogs they were unable to keep. Long story, best kept short. We had no choice but to take them in. Mom and Dad (we think) are also with us now. All skinny and underfed, but basically healthy!
名字 Name: Spike
性别 Gender: Male
故事 Story: Rescued from DMT.
#北京领养# (也考虑异地领养):“April/四月”,流浪狗妈妈,5个孩子都领养了,但是妈妈还需要自己的归宿。 她性格很好,对人很友善。年龄不是很大。两周后,会绝育。疫苗都已经打了。领养申请:https://podio.com/webforms/10798461/769223
SEEKING US/CANADA-based rescues and individual rescuers to partner with us to get our dogs into homes. For almost ten years, we have been a Beijing-based rescue, but we are seeking to reduce our shelter presence here over the next three years, so we need to find homes for the dogs in our three shelters. We […]