UPDATE: We believe that Xiaofu is quite old, she is still fighting recurrent infections but is fairly stable at this point. Xiaofu was found by a young man who helped us a few months ago on that big rescue in Daxing (where we spent weeks rescuing puppies from drainage tunnels, under buildings, etc.). She’s got FCV — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feline_calicivirus — and is quite anemic. Dr. Jiang is doing his best to save her. I know I’m supposed to be limiting intake, but she would have been a goner left outside a few more days like this, and it’s still REALLY hard to motivate people to take responsibility. I try. I try to tell people, “Dude, you can do this! Take her to a vet. Raise some funds among friends. It’s just one cat.” But usually people just don’t believe in themselves, and say, “Well, I guess will just have to leave her outside.”

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