QiangQiang 蔷蔷
Qiangqiang was born with deformed hind legs that had to be amputated. She is able to get around on a doggie wheelchair and is quite healthy otherwise. Super friendly, affectionate old girl.
Qiangqiang was born with deformed hind legs that had to be amputated. She is able to get around on a doggie wheelchair and is quite healthy otherwise. Super friendly, affectionate old girl.
Chinese rescue dog Jenny is small enough to fly in cabin. Totally blind. Super gentle personality. 3-5 years old. Was abandoned by her family after they moved away and has spent the last year in a park under a tree. Assume not spayed, but we can do that. Will be ready to fly to US/Canada […]
UDPATE: XiaoXiao has been provided lifelong sanctuary by the amazing folks at Home For Life. We are so grateful to them!!! XiaoXiao has a spinal injury but still has limited use of his back legs. He can walk a few steps at a time on his back legs and is super friendly.
UPDATE: NANA passed away but spent her last weeks in the most loving family she’s ever had. [Updated photos below.] After having a mammary gland tumor removed a few months ago, Nana developed a new tumor just behind her front right leg. Dr. Chen of Heng Ai operated yesterday, saying that he was able to […]
Maria 从原来的家里阳台摔了好几层,把脊椎被摔断了,原来的主人因为承担不了治疗费而放弃了。通过很长时间的治疗,恢复了走路的功能,但是大小便失禁。她需要一个非常有耐心的家庭。 她非常亲人!Maria fell from the balcony of her original home, breaking her spine. Due to the costs of medical expenses, her owner gave her up. After a long period of treatment, she regained the ability to walk, but still has no control over bladder and bowel. She will need a very loving, patient family. […]
UPDATE:Nana had a very good life after recovery for several months, but sadly passed away after the cancer came back. 娜娜是个小区的流浪狗狗。虽然有居民喂她,当时没有人能带她去做检查和治疗。她当时有个非常大的乳腺肿瘤。领养小铺已经带她去做手术(一下的视频是手术后)。Nana is a recently rescued stray dog who was suffering from a very large mammary gland tumor. Post-op recovery good so far. Nana Recovering 领养申请 | adopt 支持我们 | donate 当义工 | volunteer
Pixiu was rescued from the dog meat trade, and has undergone several operations to address chronic bladder and urinary tract infections. He is a special needs dog, but has an amazing personality. Pixiu leaving hospital – 1: Pixiu leaving hospital – 2: 领养申请 | adopt 支持我们 | donate 当义工 | volunteer
GOOD NEWS: Ainiu/Elsa has been adopted. She will traveling to her forever home in the UK in about two months!!! “Ainiu” is still in hospital undergoing therapy to build muscle in her hind legs. She had a massive surgery on both legs to fix what appears to have been congenital defect in both legs that […]
小黑 母 4岁左右 貌似被车撞了,流浪狗狗小黑被发现在密云的大街上,后腿瘫痪,领养小铺接到了求助,就收养了。因为发生车祸的时间太久,没有能力通过手术改善脊椎损伤的状态。她性格非常好,特别亲人,特别喜欢坐车子、陪着人。 ADOPTION APPLICATION 申请领养 Hayley Female 4 years old approx Story: Found crippled on the streets of Miyun District, Beijing. Apparently injured in a car accident, hind legs paralyzed due to a serious spinal injury, she is able to walk with a doggie wheelchair, has a very nice personality and loves keeping […]