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BEIJING – seeking foster or adopter for 4-5 month old puppy OSCAR. If you are in Beijing and can provide a safe foster or adoptive home for Oscar, please contact
Oscar was rescued two weeks ago by a very compassionate expat couple, Sara and Nick, who found him looking very weak by the side of a river. He had trouble walking, had lost most of his eyesight and later had two seizures in hospital that day.
After several days of exams (no infectious diseases, no distemper) and treatment, Oscar made a stunning recovery and the vet’s best guess is that he suffered a concussion. He has recovered his eyesight, has no trouble walking and no recurrence of seizures. As far as we can tell, he’s as healthy as can be.
The Little Adoption Shop has paid for a portion of his treatment costs and will be providing him shelter if we can’t find a foster by Wednesday. (Currently still at Sara and Nick’s home)
If you are in Beijing and can provide a safe foster or adoptive home for Oscar, please contact
Pangpang 胖胖 (ADOPTED)
视频 Videos:
Pangpang doesn’t like having his nails trimmed, but does very well in a cat restraint bag. Easy-peasy!
Here’s a short film that Pangpang starred in, “Who Did It?” 胖胖主演的短片:《谁干的?》
我的故事 My Story
基本信息 Basic Info
公猫,两岁左右,健康,跟别猫狗很合群,性格独立。他很亲人,但是自己总是很忙, 有很多事情要做。所以,他不是那种随时赖在你身上或桌面上猫咪,而是喜欢偶尔过来找你,蹭蹭你,然后继续去忙自己的事。
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Fundraiser (SUCCESS!): 25 Rescue Dogs from China to Toronto
FINAL UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who donated! Although we missed our goal in terms of international donations, in addition to your support, plus a miracle of an online live-stream charity sale we did in Beijing that was really successful — WE MADE IT!!! Combined with your support, we made our goal and were able to raise the funds to fly all 25 furballs to Toronto.
Thank you so much!!!
Every one who donated is an angel and a friend to these dogs.
Here are some of photos from Toronto. The dogs are still recovering from a long quarantine + travel time, but are now starting brand-new lives!
This month, we are flying 25 of our rescue dogs from China to Toronto, but we need your help to make it happen. Based on current cargo rates for this trip, the average cost for each dog will be approximately 2300 USD. (Each dog’s actual flight costs varies depending on their size). We plan to fly mid-November.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE via bank transfer or other means, please contact:
**We are currently in the process of applying for non-profit status in California.**
Goal: 58,000 USD
Actual transport costs totaled 62,187 usd.
SUCCESS!!! Fantastic Four – Four Rescue Dogs Fly to London
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT Lulu, Hockey, Dengdeng and Youyou!
Lulu, Hockey, Dengdeng and Youyou are four rescue dogs currently in the care of the Little Adoption Shop in Beijing, China.
On Oct 22, they will be able to fly to brand-new lives in the UK, but we need to raise the costs of their flight. Due to Covid and the costs of cargo, this trip for these four pups is expensive, but we want to grab this opportunity to get them to their forever homes in the UK asap!
The Little Adoption Shop has rescued thousands of dogs in China and currently is sheltering more than 700 dogs in two shelters in Beijing. Please pitch in whatever you can and share with friends.
FOSTERED! KeAi: a Good Boy with an Old Heart
UPDATE: KeAi is in a longterm, loving foster home! Very likely a slow foster-fail situation. 🙂
KeAi (Cutey) is an old boy with severe heart disease with spinal arthritis. He has been with a long-term foster (fospice) the last half year and gets a LOT of love and care. We still pay all his medical bills, which are considerable, and he has a great life. He had been clearly abandoned by his former family (along with leash and all) at the edge of an apartment complex. He is an absolute sweetheart and loves going for walks, getting just as excited about going out as he would have when he was still a puppy.
If you are in Beijing and would consider formally adopting Keai, please click the adoption link below!
To support our live-saving work, please consider a small donation!
To support our work, please see our GoFundMe page.
To adopt (China/US/Canada/EU), put your paw here!
ADOPTED! Ermu has a new home!
BEIJING – KITTEN FOR ADOPTION “Ermu” got trapped at the bottom of a 5-meter deep ventilation shaft (photo) and was about three inches next to an even deeper space (about 20 meters deep). How he got down there is a complete mystery. Seems perfectly healthy and friendly.
To adopt (China/US/Canada/EU), put your paw here!
To support our work, please see our GoFundMe page.
Lufei had Cherry Eye Surgery Today
Lufei had surgery today to correct his “cherry eye” condition (prolapse of the third eyelid gland). Gordon, Baby, Anan and Liangliang are in line for the same procedure in the next couple weeks. If you would like to support our work, we really, really, really need help. Paying our veterinary bills are a daily uphill struggle and we need all the help we can get.
To support our work, please see our GoFundMe page.